About REDI 4 Wholeness

Vision Statement

Through the Savior, Jesus Christ, we invite all to resolve their inner-war, uncover their wholeness and experience a life filled with joy, peace, hope, and love.

Restore, Edify, Deliver, and Inspire 4 a Return to Wholeness

Mission Statement

According to Heavenly Father’s will, and with Him, I will:

Empower and Inspire

Restore Identity

Educate with Purpose

Empower and Inspire individuals, and families, with tools and skills to:

Restore Identity: by Removing, Restoring, Reclaiming, and Reorganizing

Educate with Purpose: Teaching principles of Faith, Prayer, Accountability, Connection, Alignment, and Abundance

Dedicate Your Life

Ignite with Passion

Return to Wholeness

Dedicate your life to: Serving God, Finding your Truth, Choosing Righteously, and Restoring Love, Spirituality, Harmony, Balance, and Freedom for self and others

Ignite with Passion: to heal and learn through the Atonement,to experience sincere Gratitude, true Forgiveness, Unconditional Love, and  Allow Heavenly Father, through Christ, to Restore your Remembering of the Principles for Divine Wholeness.

Restore, Edify, Deliver, and Inspire 4 Our Return to Wholeness.

What is REDI?

REDI is for everyone in all walks of life. Being a part of REDI will excite your desire to live a more purposeful life through Christ Centered principles and techniques that will inspire you to understand why you are here on earth. You will learn tools that teach you how to recognize and remove old patterns and habits that are keeping you stuck. You will also learn how to turn negative feelings and negative self talk into a space of love, hope, and happiness. REDI will teach you how to create a space of safety to pursue your dreams and desires.

REDI will teach you how to receive answers to prayers and how to know when you are on the right path in life. You will learn step by step why it is important to create and desire change in your life so that you can develop into who you desire to become. REDI will teach you how to apply the atonement more fully in your life so that you can create lasting change.


REDI will teach you how to receive more hope, peace, harmony, happiness, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude at a higher level so you can have more joy. REDI will teach you how to build upon your current knowledge in such a way that will allow you to improve on your understanding of gospel principles so that you have the ability to serve Heavenly Father at a higher level while fulfilling your purpose here on earth.

Restore Identity · Educate with Purpose · Dedicate Your Life · Ignite with Passion

The 4 Rs:

  • Remove
  • Restore
  • Reclaim
  • Reorganize


  • Educate
  • Edify


  • Dedicate
  • Deliver


  • Inspire
  • Ignite


“I am able to manage triggers using tools rather than go deep into the emotions. I am able to acknowledge and direct the emotions to return to a sense of well being and peace. I now have the courage to express desires and preferences. I have found joy again. I have in the past been a Victim powerless because of abuse with father. I believed I’m not enough for my father to love and my mother to save. With my dad passing away, the old beliefs are so not true anymore and have become foreign to me. I am now capable and lovable.”


“As my husband has seen changes, I use this in every aspect of my life: at the gas station, in the dentist chair any time any child comes in with a stress whether it silent or in prayer. This is a life changing tool that you can teach and implement in your life and you can teach other and they too can implement. My husband sees a difference. I have taken a lot of classes that I haven’t implemented. REDI has been implemented all over my life.”


“Level 1 has taught me how to work on me and how ti address what I need. It is helping me connect to my kids and this has helped me when my kids have emotions and where they are coming from. REDI has taught me how to help them cope better and me cope better. This has given me the framework to teach and prepare my kids. My husband has been a huge support he just loves this work. I’m living on a whole different level. It has helped my family my marriage my life and I can now relate with my kids.”


“It has been a gift to mentor and be mentored by others. I have learned my own gifts and have learned to appreciate other’s gifts. What is amazing is how whatever it is you are working through that person is the perfect mentor for that particular issue and the process I was to practice was perfect for my situation. Divine timing and orchestration.”
